SIETAR USA Membership

We Believe…

That we must all work toward effective and peaceful relations among the peoples of the world—not despite differences but because of them.

It is a collective work that requires the efforts of many caring and concerned individuals who support each other in moving purposefully toward this common goal.

Thank you to all SIETAR USA members!

Within one world, many perspectives!

Thank you for being part of the SIETAR USA community!

Here you’ll find a vast array of experience and perspectives in the field of intercultural relations and best practices in diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging, both in the United States and around the world. As a member of SIETAR USA, we invite you to take advantage of the many benefits that come with membership. From professional development with discounts to networking opportunities and webinars, there is something for everyone! Follow the summary below to find more details throughout the website.

If you have questions or suggestions about membership with SIETAR USA, please contact our Membership, Outreach & Diversity Director at [email protected]. We welcome your input!

➡️ Member Benefits

Looking to save some money on professional development? Check out the Member Benefits page to see the many discounts offered to members of SIETAR USA. You will find savings on training products and certification programs, conference fees, exhibiting and advertising at the conference, international conference discounts, and deals on publications and books! Click here to download a Member Benefits flyer!

Ethical Interculturalist Designation

If you have made the pledge and signed the LIVING CODE, be sure to download the “Ethical Interculturalist” icon to let your colleagues, clients and future employers know that you are committed to the ethical standards set forth by SIETAR USA.

Download Icon

➡️ Social Media

We invite you to let your network know your commitment to the intercultural and DEIB fields by following SIETAR USA on social media. Join our groups on LinkedIn and Facebook. and follow us on Instagram

Members also have an opportunity to engage throughout the year by sharing their particular expertise via a contribution to the SIETAR USA blog.  Get the word out on hot topics, training techniques, new tools, resources and opportunities.

➡️ Leadership Development

Do you dream of being the future president of SIETAR USA?

We encourage all members of SIETAR USA to consider serving on a SIETAR USA committee or the Board of Directors. We value your professional expertise and personal experience and want to offer opportunities for additional growth. Discover more about how you can learn, grow your network, and contribute to the future of SIETAR USA by reaching out to [email protected].

➡️ Board Information

The roster for the current Board of Directors can be found at the Leadership section here on the website. You can contact individual Board members via email by clicking on their photo, or just send an inquiry to [email protected].

➡️ Voting Privileges

All SIETAR USA members are eligible and welcome to vote for the slate of nominations for open Board positions at the Annual Business Meeting held each year, typically at the annual conference. We hope you’ll plan to attend. Come and hear all the news of what’s happening with SIETAR USA!

➡️ Global SIETAR Network

Remember that SIETAR USA is a member of a network of similar SIETAR organizations that span the globe. Members connect by attending conferences at home and abroad, by networking, and by sharing information and resources. See the Global Network page for connections to the various international websites. Members of SIETAR USA are eligible for discounts on international conference registration fees!

➡️ Membership Renewal

To renew your membership subscription:
1) Make sure you're logged in to your account (use the 'Log In' link located at the top right corner
    of the home page)
2) Visit the Members>Levels page
3) Locate your membership level of choice and click the button shown below that level

You'll be taken to the payment portal where you can submit your payment details and confirm your renewal.

Easy as that! But if you should experience any trouble, just email [email protected] for help.

We appreciate your continued membership and support and look forward to serving as your intercultural
& DEI-focused community!